CREATE (Corridor REstoration for Animals Threatened and Endangered)

APE Malaysia and Kansas City Zoo have been working together on the CREATE project since 2017. As the main funder, Kansas City Zoo enables the project to grow every year.

We started by hiring two locals from the community to be a part of the tree-planting squad. We then managed to add another member, expanding the project scope. The CREATE team is responsible for carrying out out tree planting work, conducting proper maintenance to increase the saplings’ survivability, monitoring the progress of the tree growth and conducting surveys on the wildlife present on the reforestation sites. As of June 2024, 21,616 saplings have been planted, covering about 46 acres of riparian area. 

The project also receives support from a few other zoos under The Association of Zoos & Aquarium (AZA), USA, which includes Henry Vilas Zoo, Audubon Zoo, and Como Park Zoo & Conservatory. This project hopes to increase the involvement of the local community in restoring the fragmented forests in this area.  



Carry out habitat restoration at the Lower Kinabatangan floodplains where flora and fauna are abundant but threatened by diminishing habitat.
Promote local community participation in habitat restoration.
Monitor high conservation value wildlife species within the reforestation corridor.

Transforming plots from these:

into a closed canopy.

Before Image After Image

Signs of wildlife returning to the area!

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You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

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