Frequently Asked Questions

Where will my trees be planted?

Your trees will be planted in the Lower Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary, Sabah, Malaysian Borneo as part of our ongoing reforestation project to restore and reconnect forest corridors for the wildlife.

Who will be planting my trees?

Your trees will be planted by the local community from the village. They are employed by APE Malaysia as field staff to work on our reforestation sites.

What trees will be planted?

We will be planting trees that are native to the area and fruiting trees to provide ample food resources for the wildlife in the corridors.

Tree species planted:

  • Apid Apid (Exoecaria indica)
  • Bangkal (Neonauclea subdita)
  • Bayor (Pterospermum elongatum)
  • Beluno (Mangifera caesia)
  • Binuang (Octomeles sumatrana)
  • Bunga Gadong (Cananga odorata)
  • Durian (Durio sp)
  • Durian Belanda (Annona sp.)
  • Fig (Ficus sp)
  • Gatal berbulu (Ficus Francisci)
  • Kayu Malam (Diospyros sp)
  • Keranji (Dialium indum)
  • Kerodong (Microcos sp)
  • Ketapang (Terminalia catappa)
  • Kulimpapa (Vitex sp)
  • Lamba (Colona seratifolia)
  • Langsat (Lansium sp)
  • Laran (Neolarmackia cadamba)
  • Limpaga (Azadirachta borneensis)
  • Lokon (Croton oblongus)
  • Makopa (Syzgium malaccense)
  • Mangga (Mangifera sp)
  • Medang (Litsea sp)
  • Medang 3 Urat (Cinamomom sp)
  • Mengkupa (Psidium sp)
  • Meransi (Carrallia brachiata)
  • Nangka (Artocarpus sp)
  • Obah (Eugenia sp)
  • Obah Jangkang (Eugenia cerassiformis)
  • Obah Nasi (Glochidion sp)
  • Pulai (Alstonia sp)
  • Rambutan (Nephelium sp)
  • Ranggu (Koordersiodendron pinnatum)
  • Salungapid (Mollotus muticus)
  • Selangan Batu (Shorea sp)
  • Sengkuang (Dracontomelon)
  • Sentul Hutan (Sandoricum koetjape)
  • Sepat (Mitragyna speciosa)
  • Seraya (Dipterocarpaceae)
  • Simpoh Gajah (Dillenia reticulata)
  • Simpoh Laki (Dillenia excelsa)
  • Talisai Paya (Terminalia copelandii)
  • Tandiran (Ficus variegata)
  • Tangkol (Ficus racemosa)
  • Tarap (Artocarpus sp)
  • Urat Mata (Parashorea sp)

How will I know if my trees are growing?

All trees will be maintained by our field staff to ensure maximum survivability.

How long will it take for my trees to grow?

Saplings are planted once they reach a height of 2 ft. Within the first 2 years, the tree will grow to heights of more than 3 metres (approx. 10 ft) which reaches the understorey canopy level . To form a suitable tree canopy of more than 8 (approx. 26 ft) meters, it will take about 10 years.

What will I get for the contribution to this initiative?

All contributors will receive an e-certificate with the GPS coordinates and a photograph of the planted tree.

How can I see my tree’s progress?

There are a few ways to do so! One would be to join us on our project. We’ll be able to bring you to the site where your tree has been planted. We’ll also update you at the end of the one year period with a photograph of the site. Lastly, we will provide regular updates through our social media pages on the progress of the tree planting sites.

You can find us on social media here:

I don’t have any social media. How can I receive updates on my tree’s progress?

We’ll email you at the end of the one year period with a photograph of the site. Feel free to drop us an email if you’d like to know more about the tree you planted!

How do I make a payment to purchase a tree?

For Malaysians, you can purchase through SHOPEE or our SHOP page.
For International customers, please visit our SHOP page.

Choose the amount of trees you’d like to plant. You can then proceed to the checkout page and follow the payment instructions as stated.

I would like to plant more trees. How do I do that?

You’ll be able to choose multiples of 1, 3, 5 and 10. Once you’re happy with the number, you can proceed to the checkout page and make your payment. If you want to plant more than the amounts provided in our shop, please Contact Us.

Can't find an answer? Ask us here.

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

How much would you like to donate?
$10 $20 $30
Would you like to make regular donations? I would like to make donation(s)
How many times would you like this to recur? (including this payment) *
Name *
Last Name *
Email *
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